I’m a Pin Up Girl!

Well, I was for the duration of an afternoon and here is the proof!



As these kind of experiences are far from cheap, I could only justify the two pics (I couldn’t really even justify them, but I got them anyway!), and I hope I picked the right two!!!

My friend and I had a lovely day, we had our hair done, our make-up done, and then the photo shoot.  This was all for my friend’s 40th birthday, but I also benefited to the max!

I would love to do something like this on a regular basis, but us larger than life people often feel we can’t because of our weight and size.  But have you come across Tess Munster?!?!?  If you haven’t had the pleasure yet, and you are a strong believer in Body Positivism, or need a little bit of a reminder of how we are all beautiful, check her out at http://www.tessmunster.com .  You can also find her in the usual places, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram etc.  She is a true inspiration.

So, yes us big girls can put ourselves our there if we really believe in ourselves, and we don’t we???

BIG Love

S x


One thought on “I’m a Pin Up Girl!

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