BEDJ – Day 8 – Fave Quote & Why


Hope you are keeping up, although, I’m not sure I am…. HeeHee!

Day 8, and the theme is fave quote and why.  Whilst recently researching a quote to put on the back of my business cards, I came across this one.  It reached out to me immediately, as I am most definitely unique, and I so often want to shout this at the top of my lungs at so many people I have come across in my life.  I say preach Dale Archer, MD!



Society tells us everyday what we should be, and men and women a like beat themselves up and make themselves ill, mentally as well as medically, trying to conform to what the latest magazine or newspaper article/TV programme or Ad tells us, and it makes me so sad as they loose their own identity so very often.

So today I say, be you and be beautiful, short, tall, fat, slim, black, white, rich or poor and be great…… *kisses*!

Don’t forget to check out the other guys taking part in BEDJ – links below!


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Even though I have shaved my hair off for Mind, you can still donate by clicking the Just Giving link below…. Thank you! x

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BIG Love

S x

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