Giveaway with Vevina!

Today I bring you another solution to the dreaded chub rub, and this time, rather than it being a pair of under-cracker shorts that could potentially (but not always) make you hotter due to being an added layer of clothing, this is in the form of Vevina* friction protection, which is a cream.


I have, until now, always been dubious of the anti-chafe creams on the market, could they really be that good and do what they say they do?  Well, I can say that now having tried this particular cream they do!

I decided to try this out during one of the particularly warm days we had over the last few weeks.  It was a day where I was in the office, but let’s just say, working with, and being outnumbered by, a bunch of cold blooded individuals who have an affliction to the air-con being on, this can be somewhat of a nightmare for this fat babe!

I was very impressed at how little you needed to apply to the chafe prone area, how smooth it made the skin feel immediately after application without any greasiness, and how it absolutely did stop the chafing! This little tube of awesomeness can be used in any area that is prone to chafe/sweat rash, such as under boob or under belly areas, which is going to be a life saver for me and the girls, as they do get a little sore under the old boob area at times.

I also love their little YouTube ad animation….

What is even more fab about this post is that the lovely people at Vevina are giving a tube of their miracle cream away to 5 of my lucky readers, so click on the old Rafflecopter link below and follow the instructions.

A Rafflecopter Giveaway

(UK entries only)

Have you tried Vevina before?

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Even though I have shaved my hair off for Mind, you can still donate by clicking the Just Giving link below…. Thank you! x

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BIG Love

S x

*Gifted item for review – all opinions are honest and my own.

16 thoughts on “Giveaway with Vevina!

  1. Have you ever tried plain ol baby oil? It’s what I discovered a few years ago and found works great and lasts all day. Cheers, Stef (SassyPlus)

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